The Benefits of Regular Professional Teeth Cleaning

Good oral hygiene plays a vital role in maintaining overall health in your body, but did you know it can also affect your heart health? Recent studies show that oral health can majorly affect cardiac health. The harmful bacteria that thrive in the mouth can enter the bloodstream through the patient’s inflamed gums and reach their heart posing a threat to their cardiovascular health. This can lead to various heart diseases, increasing the chance of having a stroke.

When speaking of dental health, most people think about brushing while some might consider flossing. But little do they know that both these habits are not enough to maintain a healthy mouth. In fact, performing regular deep cleanings for the teeth is essential for various reasons such as preserving pearly white, healthy teeth and decreasing any chances of getting an oral infection.

My name is Dr. Nabil Mockbil and I’m a general dentist orthodontist and the founder of Swedish Dental Clinic in Dubai. I will guide you through the procedures of regular teeth cleaning, explaining what exactly is a professional cleaning and how it is done. Additionally, we will cover the dental cleaning benefits that you can experience after undergoing this essential dental procedure.

Introduction to Dental Cleanings

What is Professional Teeth Cleaning?

A dental cleaning, also known as prophylaxis, is an oral cleaning procedure that is performed by a specialist to clean both teeth and gums. During this procedure, a dentist or dental hygienist will use special tools to remove tartar, plaque, and stains from the teeth. They will also carefully examine the mouth for any signs of oral health issues.

How Important is Performing Regular Teeth Cleaning?

Regular teeth cleanings promote good dental hygiene by eliminating bad breath in addition to various oral diseases such as cavities, gum disease, or oral cancer. It can also help prevent tooth loss by addressing underlying causes.

Removing Plaque

Plaque is a soft, sticky film of bacteria, mucus, and food particles that continue to build up on top of your teeth. Plaque buildup is typically colorless, but it can sometimes cause the teeth to appear yellowish or off-white. Brushing and flossing at least twice a day is required to remove plaque. If plaque is left untreated, it hardens and transforms into a thicker, denser layer known as tartar.

Removing Tartar

Tartar is the hardened form of plaque that develops when plaque is not treated in time. It is made of calcium deposits over plaque which makes it harder and thicker. Tartar buildup feels rougher and grittier on the teeth and can have a much darker color than plaque. Tartar necessitates professional intervention for removal as brushing and flossing are ineffective. The accumulation of plaque and tartar buildup significantly damages oral health by irritating and inflaming the gums, thereby increasing the risk of gum inflammation and severe gum disease.

Cleaning Stains

Teeth surface stain is a discoloration that happens to the teeth due to the consumption of color-rich foods and staining drinks such as coffee and tea. Smoking cigarettes can also lead to tooth discoloration as tar and nicotine stick to the enamel, causing them to turn yellow or brown over time.

Dental Cleaning Benefits: Why Should I Get Them Cleaned Regularly?

In addition to resolving bad breath, preventing tooth decay, and other major oral health issues, dental cleanings help give you a whiter smile and make you more confident. In the following section, I’ll list some of the benefits of getting a regular teeth cleaning.

Health Benefits of Regular Teeth Cleaning

Plaque and tartar harbor bacteria that produce acid, which can eat away at your tooth’s enamel and lead to cavities and tooth decay. By consistently performing teeth cleaning and maintaining a healthy oral hygiene routine, you can foster a healthy smile that is sure to last long.

Getting a dental check-up and professionally cleaning your teeth on a regular basis also reduces the chances of getting many types of oral diseases. During the check-up, the doctor is able to identify and early detect any type of oral health issues such as gum disease or spotting signs of oral cancer.

Cosmetic Benefits of Regular Teeth Cleaning

By undergoing a professional cleaning of your teeth, you guarantee the removal of stubborn stains that may have resulted from consuming colorful foods and drinks. Moreover, this procedure provides you with a brighter smile, enhancing your confidence and restoring your shiny smile for years to come.

Understanding the Procedures of A Professional Teeth Cleaning

First and foremost, the hygienist or dentist will perform an initial dental exam on your mouth to evaluate your oral health. This may involve checking for any signs of gum disease, cavities, or other oral concerns. At this stage, they typically use a small mirror and a light to examine the teeth and gums, identifying any damage that may necessitate treatment.

The second step involves scaling and plaque removal. During this step, specialized instruments like scalers and curettes are used to scrub the teeth and remove the hardened buildup of plaque and tartar. Rest assured as this procedure is completely painless. The specialist will gently scrub your teeth, effectively removing all stubborn plaque and tartar, leaving your teeth clean and smooth.

Next, the brushing and flossing procedures are carried out. A special fluoride toothpaste is used with a professional-grade brush. This toothpaste contains a higher concentration of fluoride compared to what is typically available to consumers in the market.

After thoroughly brushing and flossing your teeth, the specialist will rinse them with water and make sure there aren’t any leftovers. If they notice that your teeth require polishing, they’ll do so using a special paste to remove any staining and give you back the shiny white smile you deserve.

In some cases, the specialist can recommend a fluoride treatment to enhance enamel strength, prevent the development of cavities, and prolong teeth protection. This step is likely to occur after the teeth cleaning is done.

Finally, the specialist will most likely discuss post-cleaning care tips to prolong the results and maintain your dental hygiene at its best.

How Often Should You Get Professional Teeth Cleaning?

Dental professionals recommend that you get a regular check-up and cleaning every 6 months at most. You should consider that some factors can affect this period such as your age and overall dental health. Your lifestyle and habits also can affect how often the doctor recommends you get your teeth professionally cleaned.

The Role of Professional Teeth Cleaning in Preventive Dental Care

swedish dental clinic

In addition to the dental cleaning benefits that we already covered in a previous section, this comprehensive dental procedure offers a few added values. The patient receives personalized oral health advice from a professional in the field. By depending on the provided care to detect any oral issues and addressing them early on, you can prevent the need for costly dental procedures in the future and manage any dental problems before they escalate.

Dr. Nabil Mockbil, DDS, BDS

Dr. Nabil Mockbil is the head of Swedish Dental Clinic and one of the most experienced orthodontists in Dubai. By demonstrating incredible skills and embracing a kind attitude, he's proven to be not just a brilliant dentist, but someone you can fully trust with your smile. With 20+ years of experience under his belt and a warm smile on his face, you're search for the best orthodontist in Dubai ends with him.

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