When and Why Tooth Extraction Becomes Necessary

Unlike diamonds, sometimes teeth aren’t forever! Natural teeth are priceless and irreplaceable, yet unfortunately, they can undergo severe decay or damage, prompting the need for extraction.

Rest assured, tooth removal is a last resort for a damaged tooth. When teeth can’t be saved by dental crowns or fillings and tooth pain becomes persistent, dentists have no other choice but to opt for an extraction. While dental extractions might sound scary, it’s sometimes the best course of action to maintain oral health.

Generally, tooth extraction in Dubai is a safe dental procedure with a low risk of complications. Painless? almost. Local anesthesia is used to numb the area around the tooth so that you won’t feel pain during the extraction itself.

So when does it become unavoidable and why is it necessary? Keep reading as we explore various reasons for tooth extraction, and where to find the best clinic for it in Dubai.

Explaining the Treatment

Preserving natural teeth is a primary goal in dental care. Dentists employ various treatments to maintain oral health and prevent tooth loss. However, in some cases, despite these efforts, a tooth may become irreparably damaged or infected.  

When a tooth’s condition deteriorates beyond repair, extraction may be the most suitable course of action. This surgical procedure involves removing the affected tooth from its socket. While it may seem daunting, tooth extraction is a common and generally safe procedure.  

The complexity of a tooth extraction varies depending on the tooth’s location and condition. Simple extractions are performed on visible teeth, while impacted or broken teeth may require a more involved surgical approach. In all cases, local anesthesia is administered to ensure patient comfort. Post-extraction care is crucial for optimal healing and preventing complications like the spread of infection.

When Is Tooth Extraction Necessary?

Although no one enjoys goodbyes, sometimes permanent teeth need to go. Dentists seek to exhaust all other options before going for an extraction. But when does tooth extraction in Dubai become unavoidable?

Severely Decayed Teeth

Extensive tooth decay can reach the pulp (the center of the tooth). The bacteria produced by the decay invade the pulp, causing infection and severe pain. In this case, a root canal treatment is performed to stop the infection from spreading and heal the tooth. So why is extraction necessary? Sometimes, despite all efforts, the infection persists and the tooth becomes fragile, leaving no option but removal.

Periodontal Disease

It’s an infection of the gum tissue, periodontal ligaments, and other structures surrounding the tooth. It starts as gingivitis, a milder form that affects only the gums. If left untreated, it can progress to a more advanced stage, harming the bone and ligaments that hold teeth in place. It eventually results in loosening the tooth, which makes extraction necessary.

Crowded Teeth

Imagine having 20 seats and 30 guests, the result? People fighting for space. Teeth crowding happens when there isn’t enough space in your mouth for all of your teeth to erupt and grow naturally. Other cases may involve a small jaw or the growth of extra teeth. Crowding leads to several oral issues like cavities, caries, gum disease, and trouble chewing or biting. depending on the severity of the case, one or more teeth may need to be extracted.

Irreparable Broken Or Fractured Teeth

When teeth are damaged beyond repair, saving them becomes an extremely difficult task. If a tooth is broken into multiple pieces or the fracture extends below the gum line, it may be impossible to restore. Even minor cracks are dangerous; they create openings for bacteria to enter the tooth, leading to infection and intense pain. In these situations, teeth are better removed than kept, avoiding potential complications.

Wisdom Tooth Impaction

Even teeth can sometimes get trapped. When wisdom teeth try to break out but find no space left on the gum line, they become impacted under the gum. So, is that problematic? Very. Impacted teeth start to push their way out, causing damage to adjacent teeth, dental cavities, periodontal disease, and bleeding gums. Unlike normal tooth extractions, they require a more involved, surgical procedure to be removed.

Tooth Extraction Aftercare Tips

Pulling out a tooth is relatively a quick and painless procedure. However, it’s all about what comes after the treatment. Essential aftercare steps must be taken to ensure the healing process goes well and avoid the possible complications of tooth extraction.

Rest Up

Now’s the perfect time to ask your boss for a couple of days off! As your body heals after a tooth extraction, it’s normal to feel less energetic than usual. Vigorous physical activity can slow down the recovery process. So it’s best to avoid any strenuous activity for around 48 hours as it can increase the blood pressure in your head and that can cause the gum to bleed at the site of the extraction. So no heavy lifting!

Elevating your head on a pillow encourages blood flow away from the extraction site, reducing inflammation and allowing you to heal faster. Allow yourself time to rest. Watch your favorite movies or take a nap!

Eat Soft Foods

Food care is an essential step on the road to recovery. It’s crucial to avoid solid foods or crunchy foods as they will most likely cause damage to the extraction site and prolong the healing process. Instead, stick to a diet of beverages and liquid or soft foods such as soup, yogurt, mashed potatoes, and pasta for 24-48 hours after treatment. Furthermore, It’s important to keep consuming enough calories as this promotes a speedy recovery and helps you feel better.

What to Avoid

After the extraction, it’s crucial to abstain from smoking, or otherwise, blood will struggle to clot around the extraction site. Hot liquids and alcohol are also recommended to steer clear from as they can slow down your healing and may cause damage. And one more thing, NO STRAWS! After extracting a tooth you’ll need to forget about straws for a few days and use other drinking methods. The blood clot around the extraction site needs to be protected. If it gets dislodged, it can cause a dry socket, a painful complication, which will leave more than just an unpleasant taste in your mouth!

Oral Hygiene

Your smile is on its way to a full recovery! Maintaining good oral hygiene is essential during this healing process. Keep your pearly whites sparkling by continuing your regular brushing and flossing routine. Gently avoid the extraction site to allow for undisturbed healing.

To accelerate your recovery and keep your mouth fresh, incorporate salt water rinses into your daily care. Starting 24 hours post-extraction, gently swish warm salt water around your mouth several times a day. This soothing solution helps reduce inflammation and creates a clean environment for optimal healing.

Your Trusted Clinic for Tooth Extraction in Dubai

swedish dental clinic

Is it possible to get your tooth extracted without having to worry or feel stressed? Yes, but it all depends on finding the right place to do so. Swedish Dental Clinic in Dubai Marina houses some of the best and most experienced dentists in the UAE. All you have to do is schedule your dental appointment and leave the rest to us. Our dentists will make sure your diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up appointments go smoothly. Leave nothing up to chance, get your teeth checked, and start your journey toward a happy, healthy smile.

Dr. Nabil Mockbil, DDS, BDS

Dr. Nabil Mockbil is the head of Swedish Dental Clinic and one of the most experienced orthodontists in Dubai. By demonstrating incredible skills and embracing a kind attitude, he's proven to be not just a brilliant dentist, but someone you can fully trust with your smile. With 20+ years of experience under his belt and a warm smile on his face, you're search for the best orthodontist in Dubai ends with him.

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